The GUINEVERE Project (Games Used IN Engaging Virtual Environments for Real-time language Education) aims to demonstrate the potential of digital game-based learning in 3D immersive environments in order to improve the teaching and learning of foreign languages and promote the importance of creativity, collaboration, digital literacy and communication
within and between primary and secondary school children in the nations of the European Union.
GUINEVERE thus promotes the acquisition of skills and competencies for language learners and instructors which will be of
benefit in terms of their future employability skills, but also in terms of their whole person development as responsible EU citizens.
GUINEVERE is situated in a line of previously successful EU projects under the Lifelong Learning Programme and ERASMUS+
which aims to establish a firm bond between language learning, intercultural communication and digital technologies and promote
the wider societal values of tolerance, mutual understanding and sharing of knowledge and expertise across and beyond member states.
Giving people the opportunity to learn a second or third language in an authentic environment is not merely an act of everyday
communication; it is a route through which teachers and learners come to understand more about their own personal identity
and culture and as a result learn more about the other people and cultures around them.
- Games Park Virtual University Istanbul in Second Life
- Setting up EVO ViLLAGE on EduNation in Second Life