EU funded projects

EU funded GUINEVERE project (2017-2019)

Games Used IN Engaging Virtual Environments for Real-time Language Education

Games designed and created by teachers in virtual worlds such as Minecraft, OpenSim and Second Life.

Project Consortium

UCLan University of Central Lancashir,e, UK

Istanbul University, Turkey

IUL Italian University Line, Italy

let’s talk online sprl, Belgium

LinguaTV, Germany

3DLES, Netherlands


EU funded CAMELOT project (2013-2015)

CreAting Machinima Empowers Live Online lanugage Teaching and Learning

Machinima created and filmed in virtual worlds.

Project Consortium

UCLan University of Central Lancashir,e, UK

Istanbul University, Turkey

University of West Bohemia, Czech Rep

ADL Defense University, Poland

ICC The International Language Assc., Germany

let’s talk online sprl, Belgium

LinguaTV, Germany

TELL Consult, Netherlands

EduActive, Poland


EU funded AVALON project (2009-2010)

Access to Virtual and Action learning Live ONLine

Language educators learn to explore and use virtual worlds to teach a language live online.


Project Consortium

University of Manchester (project coordination)

University of Vienna

Verein Grenzenlos — Interkultureller Austausch

Verein Offenes Lernen — Sektion ‘TALKADEMY’

International Certificate Conference e. V.


The British Council

Centro Linguistico Interdipartimentale dell’Università di Pisa

Molde University College

Mid Sweden University


EU funded LANCELOT Project (2005-2007)

LANCELOT stands for LANguage Learning with CErfitied Live OnlineTeachers and explores the methodology of teaching live online using virtual classroom technology, today known as video conferencing, webinars or webconferences.

Project Consortium 

Universität Wien

University of Ankara TÖ;MER

let’s talk online

Danmarks Pedagogiske Universitet

University of Manchester

ICC Europe

IH Europe