CAMELOT is unique in that it aims to promote the role of video production in language teacher training It is innovative in that it takes one of the latest technologies – machinima – and uses it to empower 21st century language learning and teaching through the use of a) user-generated video content, b) a task-based language teaching approach based on learner engagement, authenticity and creativity, and c) an online community of practice in which open educational resources (OERs) are available via a repository.

Machinima is neologism deriving from machine and cinema and refers to the use of real-time 3D computer graphics to create and record cinematic productions. The actors in machinima are avatars and the environments they inhabit typically belong to the virtual world such as Second Life. Action within the virtual environment is recorded with the use of screen recording software and the productions are sophisticated and authentic as well as lean and cost-effective. Machinima can be used to stimulate real-world interaction and dialogues in realistic 3 environments. Machinima can be used to simulate real-world interactiona nd dialogues in realistic 3D environments. 

The aim of CAMELOT is not simply to provide a set of language teaching resources that instructors can use, but to provide the technological an pedagogical know-how for teachers to create and adapt machinima for their own particular EU teaching environment. 

CAMELOT fosters the development of an EU-wide approach to language learning and teaching that is appropriate for the 21st century. It promotes a vision of language teacher training based on the following:

a) Fit for purpose: learning environements are personalised rather than generic

b) Learner autonomy: students learn at their own pace and in blended formats

c) Learner empowerments: via avatars learners experiment with their L2 learner identity and recude anxiety

d) Teacher autonomy: teachers can create what they need for their students

e) Collaborative learning: teachers and students jointly create learning environments.



Youtube Channel

Deliverables WP1

The general aim is to construct sound knowledge about why and how to make use of 3D virtual environments for language training in different contexts and the use of machinima. The machinima can be regarded as user-generated video content and as materials to support the language learning process. The target of this WP are all parties who have an interest in promoting or experiencing language learning within tertiary education and vocational adult education. The WP is responsible for:

1) performing a needs analysis;

2) the creation of a framework for the use of 3D virtual learning environments and machinima for language learning and instruction;

3) providing guidelines for language teachers;

4) creating feedback questionnaires for the evaluation of the learning process;

5) specifying linguistic contexts for filming machinima in 3D virtual learning environments, and

6) writing a report on “Using the 3D VLE’s and Machinima for Language Learning”.

Workpackage WP 1

This WP brings together partners with expertise in language education, teacher training, distance learning and teaching in Second Life, 3D Design and the building of virtual learning environments for educational purposes. Progress of the objectives will be monitored and performance indicated through the use of individual and group discussions with all end users of the machinima and via the project and feedback questionnaires. Partners in this WP will meet on a regular basis in video-conferencing, in Second Life and face-to-face.

WP 1.1 Needs Analysis

WP 1.2. Language-learning Framework for the Use of 3D Virtual Environments and Machinima

WP 1.3. Guidelines for language teachers