The GUINEVERE Project (Games Used IN Engaging Virtual Environments for Real-time language Education) aims to explore the potential of digital game-based learning and collaborative activities in 3D immersive environments (e.g, Second Life, OpenSim, Minecraft). GUINEVERE is situated in a line of previously successful EU projects under the Lifelong Learning Programme and ERASMUS+ (e.g., LANCELOT, AVALON, CAMELOT) in which CALL teacher training is an essential component. As part of the project, two online teacher training courses have been created.
The first is a self-study course aimed at enabling participants to become familiar with theories of game design and the role of digital environments in teaching and learning languages in 3D immersive worlds. The course has been designed to require around 20 hours study time in total, which equates to approximately five hours each week. It will run between 15th April 2019 and 30th June.
The second course is teacher-led and aimed at investigating the sorts of tasks that can be created for language learners in either Opensim or Minecraft in order to develop language learning in a fun and engaging game environment. It will run from 6th May to 5th June 2019.
Both courses are completely free and delivered by the project consortium on the IUL University platform in English. There will be a limited number of places for the teacher-led course, so advance enrollment is advised. To enrol in the courses, please complete the online registration form here:
We look forward to seeing you in the courses!
Letizia Cinganotto
Andrea Benassi
on behalf of the GUINEVERE Project Team
EU FUNDED GUINEVERE PROJECT (2017-2019) This project has been funded with support from the European Commission (Project number:2017-1-UK01-KA201-036783). The information on this website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Partners in the consortium
University of Central Lancashire, UK, project coordinator
Istanbul University – Cerrahpaşa, Turkey
Let’s Talk Online sprl, Belgium
Università Telematica degli Studi IUL, Italy
3D Learning Experience Services, The Netherlands