Heike Philp is CEO of let’s talk online sprl, based in Brussels, Belgium, immersive education specialist. With over 20 years in language education and with Germany’s first live online language school, Philp co-initiated four European funded projects and has been working with 49 European partners including 22 universities to develop accredited and certified teacher training courses for language teaching and learning in immersive environments. These EU Projects are LANCELOT (LANguage learning with CErtified Live OnlineTeachers, 2005-2007) and AVALON (Access to Virtual and Action Learning live Online, 2009-2011) about language teaching and learning in a virtual classroom or virtual world, CAMELOT (CreAting Machinima Empowers Live Online language Teaching and learning, since 2013) about machinima (videos of 3D worlds) of language learning conversations and GUINEVERE (Games Used IN Engaging Virtual Environments for Real-time language Education, start 12/2017), about games in virtual worlds. Philp runs her own web conferences: Virtual Round Table Web Conference on Language Learning Technologies, DaFWEBKON for teachers of German and vLanguages Annual Symposium as part of VWBPE conference. She co-owns EduNation islands in Second Life.
Contact details
Skype ID: letstalkonline
Twitter: @heikephilp
LinkedIn http://de.linkedin.com/in/heikephilp
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/heike.philp
XING http://www.xing.com/profile/Heike_Philp
http://www.letstalkonline.com (main website)
http://www.avalonlearning.eu (co-initiator EU funded AVALON project)
http://www.camelotproject.eu (co-initiator EU funded CAMELOT project)
http://www.guinevereproject.eu (co-initiator EU funded GUINEVERE project)
http://www.virtual-round-table.com (organiser Virtual Round Table Conference)
http://vlanguages.pbworks.com (co-organiser SLanguages Conference)
http://edunationislands.pbworks.com (co-owner Second Life Island)
let’s talk online sprl is a company limited based in Brussels, Belgium. It’s headquater is on a virtual island in Second Life ®, it is called EduNation. If you want to meet Heike Philp, CEO of let’s talk online sprl, check her out in the virtual space of Second Life ®.